Cathy Dyer
As a single father, you have the opportunity to bond with your child by preparing delicious and nutritious meals you both enjoy. Be the authority figure your child needs regarding food choices and mealtime behavior. Teach your child healthy habits that last a lifetime.
This may be a new role for you. You might feel unsure about your abilities and unclear about what you need to do.
I'm here to help you.
I was a single parent, too.
Your coaching package will be customized to your specific needs and areas you choose to focus on to support you in the challenging responsibilities you face as a single father. I'm confident you can be the positive role model you want to be.

Some topics you may choose to focus on:
♥ how to stock your pantry and refrigerator with kid appropriate, rather than unhealthy "kid approved" foods
♥ how to plan balanced, nutritious meals you and your child will enjoy making and eating
♥ how to grocery shop for good health
(see the food shopping section of my blog to start)
♥ what to cook when you have limited pots, pans, and kitchen utensils
(download HOW TO: ROAST ANY VEGETABLE to start)
♥ how to have family meals that provide structure and opportunities for your child to try new foods and learn healthy eating habits
(download HOW TO: FAMILY MEALS to start)
♥ the special nutritional needs of children at different ages
♥ how to deal with a picky eater, an unhealthy eater, or an overeater
♥ how to avoid becoming or stop being a short order cook, or taking your kid out to eat all the time
(see my blog post Stop Asking Your Kid What She Wants to Eat to start)
♥ how to establish and maintain your own mealtime rituals, even if they are very different than what's going on elsewhere in your child's life
you will be provided these and other resources while we work together

