Cathy Dyer
Resources For
1/3 of your pediatric patients have clinical overweight or obesity
What can you do to help them?
Let their parents know where to get help.
One of every three children is now living with overweight or obesity, but 95% of the parents of children with overweight believe their child's size is "just about right" and nearly 78% of parents of children suffering with obesity also believe their child's size is "just about right."*
Once you get over the hurdle of explaining to parents that their child has an overweight issue and the health consequences they have or may develop as a result, the demands of your practice likely do not allow you to answer in-depth questions about nutrition or develop a plan with the family to help their child achieve a healthy weight.
I can take care of that for you.
no insurance referral required
the "no referral" referral
Just give your patient's parents information about my coaching program, my classes, or my family meals handout and let them take it from there. That's all you need to do. Printable handouts are provided below.
download and print for your patients
The American Academy of Pediatrics Expert Committee recommendations to prevent and treat child and adolescent overweight and obesity (Stage 1: Prevention Plus) emphasize family meals including:
Limiting meals eaten outside the home.
Eating at home at the table as a family at least 5-6 times each week.
Allowing the child to self-regulate his or her meals. Avoid overly restrictive behaviors.
This printable handout gives parents a quick list of family meal pointers to begin helping their child.
Reference: Committee on Nutrition of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Policy Statement: Prevention of Pediatric Overweight and Obesity. (2003). Pediatrics, 112(2), 424-430. doi:10.1542/peds.112.2.424
I'll get all relevant information about the child's weight status and health issues directly from the parents. This is an important part of my relationship with parents and the beginning of our collaborative partnership working together to help them define their own behavior change goals and figure out what works with their unique child.
Parents don't need a "nutrition prescription" for their kid. Telling them what to do doesn't work. They need help identifying appropriate health goals for their child and help acquiring the information, resources, and self-efficacy to achieve those goals.
Download Role of Health Coaches in Pediatric Weight Management to learn more about how health coaching can help your patients.
Rice KG, Jumamil RB, Jabour SM, Cheng JK. Role of Health Coaches in Pediatric Weight Management. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2017;56(2):162-170. doi:10.1177/0009922816645515
*Duncan DT, Hansen AR, Wang W, Yan F, Zhang J. Change in Misperception of Child's Body Weight among Parents of American Preschool Children. Child Obes. 2015 Aug;11(4):384-93. doi: 10.1089/chi.2014.0104. Epub 2015 Apr 30.
childhood & adolescent weight management resources for pediatricians
(click the images to access the documents)
Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Nutrition Guidance for Healthy Children Ages 2 to 11 Years - download free pdf
It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that children ages 2 to 11 years should achieve optimal physical and cognitive development, maintain healthy weights, enjoy food, and reduce the risk of chronic disease through appropriate eating habits and participation in regular physical activity.
​This position paper reviews what children 2 to 11 years old in the United States are reportedly eating, explores trends in food and nutrient intakes, and examines the impact of federal nutrition programs on child nutrition. Current dietary recommendations and guidelines for physical activity are also discussed. The roles of parents and caregivers in influencing the development of life-long healthy eating behaviors are highlighted.
Expert Committee Recommendations Regarding the Prevention, Assessment, and Treatment of Childhood and Adolescent Overweight and Obesity: Summary Report - download free pdf
Barlow SE and the Expert Committee. Expert Committee Recommendations Regarding the Prevention, Assessment, and Treatment of Childhood and Adolescent Overweight and Obesity: Summary Report. Pediatrics. 2007;120(3):s164-S192.
Weight control interventions are suggested for children and adolescents with excess weight. Along with specific eating and physical activity behavior counseling, the use of parent-centered counseling techniques, such as motivational interviewing to help families identify their own motivation for making change, is recommended. Four stages of care are recommended and explained. The importance of parent participation in their child's weight control program is stressed throughout.
Prevention of Pediatric Overweight and Obesity Policy Statement - download free pdf
Committee on Nutrition of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Policy Statement: Prevention of Pediatric Overweight and Obesity. (2003). Pediatrics, 112(2), 424-430. doi:10.1542/peds.112.2.424
The AAP concludes that families should be educated and empowered to recognize the impact they have on their child's development of lifelong habits of physical activity and nutritious eating. Dietary practices should be fostered that encourage moderation rather than overconsumption, emphasizing healthful choices rather than restrictive eating patterns. Parents should be empowered to promote children’s ability to self-regulate energy intake while providing appropriate structure and boundaries around eating.
Preventing Obesity and Eating Disorders in Adolescents - download free pdf
Neville H. Golden, MD, FAAP, Marcie Schneider, MD, FAAP, Christine Wood, MD, FAAP, COMMITTEE ON NUTRITION, COMMITTEE ON ADOLESCENCE, SECTION ON OBESITY; Pediatrics, September 2016, VOLUME 138/ISSUE 3, From the American Academy of Pediatrics, Clinical Report
Should your teen be "dieting"? Does eating meals as a family make a difference in weight? What effect does making comments or teasing about weight have on your teenager? What are the current and future chronic disease risks faced by obese teens?
The AAP says an integrated approach to obesity and eating disorder prevention focuses less on weight and more on healthy family-based lifestyle modification that can be sustained.
Role of Health Coaches in Pediatric Weight Management: Patient and Parent Perspectives - download free pdf
Rice, K. G., Jumamil, R. B., Jabour, S. M., & Cheng, J. K. (2017). Role of Health Coaches in Pediatric Weight Management: Patient and Parent Perspectives. Clinical Pediatrics, 56(2), 162–170.
Through a collaborative partnership, a health coach helps patients identify their personal health goals and acquire the knowledge, resources, and self-efficacy to achieve them. The researchers conclude that families' specific needs should be holistically considered in the design of health coaching programs targeting pediatric obesity.
Motivational Interviewing for Pediatric Obesity: Conceptual Issues and Evidence Review
Resnicow K, Davis R, Rollnick S, et al. Motivational Interviewing for Pediatric Obesity: Conceptual issues and evidence review. J Am Diet Assoc. 2006;106:2024-2033.
An older, but foundational article explaining how motivational interviewing helps parents and children change behaviors leading to obesity. Motivational interviewing, as used by a nutrition coach, assumes that behavior change is affected more by motivation than information.