Cathy Dyer
Research has shown that the most parents of overweight children do not recognize their child is overweight.
When your pediatrician tells you your child is overweight, you may be surprised, worried, or sad. Heavy kids tend to become adults with overweight or obesity at high risk of developing multiple chronic diseases. You want to help your child and prevent this from happening.
As a parent, you are the single most important and powerful influence on your child's health, and physical and emotional well-being. YOU are the most important element in any program addressing your child's weight. If you haven't already, you may want to read the information found here: If your child is overweight.
You can help your child achieve and maintain a healthy weight, not by restricting foods or counting calories, but by learning how to eat nutritious foods and becoming physically active as a family. It's easier for children to achieve and maintain a healthy weight if they do so before puberty. It's great you're taking action now!
I'm here to help you.
I've received a Certificate of Training in Childhood and Adolescent Weight Management from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in order to specifically help families with childhood weight management.
Your coaching package will be customized to your family's and your child's specific needs.

Some topics you may choose to focus on:
♥ how pediatric overweight is defined and what the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends as treatment
♥ what helps kids achieve a healthy weight according to the latest research
♥ how to have family meals that provide structure and the sense of security that discourages overeating
(download HOW TO: FAMILY MEALS to start)
♥ how to identify high-calorie, low-nutrient foods and low-calorie, high-nutrient foods
♥ how to reduce or eliminate sugar-sweetened beverages from your child's diet
(see my blog post 5 Tips to Reduce Your Child's Added Sugar Consumption - Easily and Permanently to start)
♥ how to provide a healthy breakfast every day
♥ how to stock your pantry and refrigerator with kid appropriate, rather than "kid approved" foods and snacks
♥ how to plan nutritious, balanced meals and snacks you and your child will enjoy making and eating
♥ how to develop better physical activity habits and reduce sedentary behaviors
♥ the special nutritional needs of children at different ages
♥ how to avoid becoming or stop being a short order cook, limited to an ever-decreasing list of "kid approved" foods
(see my blog post Stop Asking Your Kid What She Wants to Eat to start)

you will be provided these and other resources while we work together

